Jewelry Care

Care Instructions:

To keep your Purple Karma pieces lasting longer, remove jewelry before washing your hands, getting in the shower, or participating in physical activity. Do not use harsh chemicals or oils as this may affect the finishing of your jewelry. Small things - like how you store, wear, and clean your jewelry, can prolong its life dramatically. Remember to always store your jewelry in a dry and air-tight place. 

Stainless steel is durable and resists corrosion and oxidation. Like many other metals, stainless steel can get scratched and lose it's luster, therefore becoming dull. However, this does not mean throw out your jewelry since restoring it is simple and can be done at home. Baking soda is a great cleaner for stainless steel jewelry. Making a thick paste of baking soda mixed with water, use a toothbrush to slowly clean your jewelry. Once you've cleaned it thoroughly take a lint-cloth to dry your piece an ensure it's completely dry.